Jeff Heiniger
Our President has over 20 years of advertising and marketing experience, spinning that know-how into successful multi-media campaigns for Ad Lab’s clients. If he’s not on the phone or in a client meeting, you’ll likely find him on a golf course, vacationing in Florida, or spending time with his growing family. Sometimes, he does all that at once. Jeff’s a multitasker, and probably just landed a new client in the time it took you to read this.

Rick Porfilio
Rick is Ad Lab’s longest-tenured employee, here from the very beginning. In his time as our Art Director, he’s created countless visually-stunning, award-winning, engaging, successful campaigns…as well as traveling all over Europe, and raising two daughters: one of whom is an Aquatics Zookeeper and scuba diver at the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo, and the other is currently a photographer for one of the most imaginative places on Earth: Walt Disney World. Artistic vision is apparently hereditary.

Turner Watson
As Ad Lab’s creative director, he often dips into his somewhat…shall we say atypical? Unusual? Unique? Anyway, a varied set of life experiences, stemming from over 20 years as a rock radio DJ, a screenwriter, theater nerd, history and movie buff, hockey coach, surfer, audio and video editor, father, husband, son, and social media madman. Need a new take on your TV, radio, or digital campaign? Talk to Turner. (Although, fair warning: you may never get him to shut up…)

Austin Fridley
Austin is another Ad Lab “Swiss Army Knife,” with a wide variety of skills and interests, from hiking to kayaking to rolling the d20 playing D&D with friends. He also happens to be a former soldier, stationed at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, before he began his journey towards an MBA of Marketing at Austin Peay State University. Chat him up about vacationing in the Smoky Mountains…or the best media strategy for your business. (He’ll happily talk at length about both.)

Olivia Schoeph
So, is the person running your social media accounts able to snuggle her puppy, catch up on the latest season of The Bachelor, all before feasting on mom’s homemade chicken and dumplings, as she grabs her guitar and heads to play and sing for her local church service? No? Then you obviously need to get to know Ad Lab Social’s Social Media Director, Olivia.